Our inhouse developed weighing solutions produce real-time information you can use to manage production. Our weighing products range covers every purpose and price point to match your need.

Triggerweigh by Appsource is a bulk filling solution for blueberry packers looking to increase daily tonnage without sacrificing accuracy. Designed to fill bulk containers to preset weights, the system has since been updated to also cater for smaller containers such as punnets. Mechanical design and installation is done by industry experts well known to the South African fruit industry.
Guarantee the accuracy of your product weights
Highlight upstream equipment issues in real-time
Optional integration with metal detector for an all-in-one inline checking system
Over / Under and Kick-Off alarms
Systems integration over TCP/IP protocol
Ability to produce specific labels (when combined with optional inline scanner and printer)

Appsource has teamed up with leading manufacturing equipment experts in South Africa to develop the latest technological innovation in check weighing.
Guarantee the accuracy of your product weights
Increase throughput
Eliminate human error
Optional integration to Appsource PSE for production recording and product labelling in realtime

BinScan by Appsource is a scan and weigh automation solution for customers that require automation with absolute control over the collecting of data at bin tipping.
Record and timestamp each bin’s weight
Record and timestamp each bin ticket
Keep a local copy of every record
Integrate to Production Management Systems to delivery tipped transactions as connections become available.
Able to operate offline
Visual alert triggers in case of failure
Optional customised line control.

Ideal for use at warehouses, farms and pack houses
Heavy Duty Beam design
Rugged built
304 Stainless steel
2000kg x 500g
Platform Size
2 x 1200m beams
Keli X3118 or Micro A12E
Printer / Software
Appsource Blueberry Bulk Filler
Appsource BinScan

Portion Scales

Platform Scales

Industrial Platform Scales

Weight Pieces

Lab Scales


Pallet Jack Scales